Showing posts with label Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Projects. Show all posts

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Necessary guideline before initate the project:

The object of Project Work I is to enable the student to take up investigative study in the broad field of Mechanical Engineering, either fully theoretical/practical or involving both theoretical and practical work to be assigned by the Department on an individual basis or two/three students in a group, under the guidance of a Supervisor. This is expected to provide a good initiattion for the student(s) in R&D work. The assignment to normally include:

  • Survey and study of published literature on the assigned topic;
  • Working out a preeliminary Approach to the Problem relating to the assigned topic;
  • Conducting preliminary Analysis/Modelling/Simulation/Experiment/Design/Feasibility;
  • Preparing a Written Report on the Study conducted for presentation to the Department;
  • Final Seminar, as oral Presentation before a Departtmental Committtee

To solve the problems involving drawings, designs, manufacturing, installation, testing and maintenance of machines. In order to cultivate the systematic methodology for problem solving using acquired technical knowledge & skills, and to enhance the generic skills & professional skills.

The student will be able to-
1. Identify, analyze & define the problem.
2. Generate alternative solutions to the problem identified.
3. Compare & select feasible solutions from alternatives generated.
4. Design develops, manufacture & operate equipment/program.
5. Acquire higher-level technical knowledge by studying recent development in mechanical engineering field.
6. Compare machines/devices/apparatus for performance practices.
7. Work effectively in a team

A batch of maximum 4 students will select a problem and then plan, organize & execute the project work of solving the problem in a specified duration. Student is expected to apply the knowledge & skills acquired. Batch may select any one problem/project work from following categories.

a) Fabrication of small machine / devices/ test rigs/ material handling devices/ jig & fixtures/ demonstration models, etc. Report involving aspects of drawing, process sheets, costing, Installation, commissioning & testing should be prepared and submitted.

b) Design & fabrication of mechanisms, machines, Devices, etc. Report involving aspects of designing & fabricating should be prepared & submitted .

c) Development of computer program for designing and /or drawing of machine components, Simulation of movement & operation, 3D modelling, pick & place robots etc.

d) Industry sponsored projects- project related with solving the problems identified by industry should be selected. One person / engineer from industry is expected to work as co- guide along with guide from institution.

e) Literature survey based projects: Project related with collection tabulation, classification, analysis & presentation of the information. Topic selected must be related with latest  technological developments in mechanical or mechatronics field, and should not be a part of diploma curriculum. Report should be of min 60 pages.

f) Investigative projects- Project related with investigations of causes for change in performance or structure of machine or component under different constraints through experimentation and data analysis.

g) Maintenance based projects: The institute may have some machine/ equipment/ system which are lying idle due to lack of maintenance. Students may select the specific machines/equipment/system. Overhaul it, repair it and bring it to working condition. The systematic procedure for maintenance to be followed and the report of the activity are submitted.

h) Industrial engineering based project: Project based on work study, method study, methods improvement, leading to productivity improvement, data collection, data analysis and data interpretation be undertaken.

i) Low cost automation projects: Project based on hydraulic/pneumatic circuits resulting into low cost automated equipment useful in the identified areas.

j) Innovative/ Creative projects – Projects related with design, develop & implementation of new concept for some identified useful activity using PLC, robotics, non-conventional energy sources, CIM , mechatronics, etc.

k) Environmental management systems projects: Projects related with pollution control, Solid waste management, liquid waste management, Industrial hygiene, etc, Working model or case study should be undertaken.

l) Market research/ survey based projects: Projected related with identification of extent of demand, sales forecasting, Comparative study of marketing strategies, Comparative study of channels of distribution, Impact of variables on sales volume, etc. The project involves extensive survey & market research activities information to be collected through various  mechanisms/tools & report is prepared.

m) Project based on use of appropriate technology particularly benefiting rural society or economically weaker section.

n) Project can be selected other than the area specified above. Project should provide viable and feasible solution to the problem identified. Report should be of min 50 pages.


Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Problems faced in your final year project and ways to avoid them

Your academic project would be a demanding, but an exciting learning experience. However, it is not without problems which, if not identified and addressed, could seriously effect the final result and ultimately reduce your marks. Here we mentioned some of these problems and how to avoid them
The “Overachiever” Problem:
A common problem is selecting a topic that is far too ambitious for the allotted time.   Remember that you have only a few weeks to finish the design, development and testing of your project. Be careful not to select a topic that is unrealistically large.  This can lead to frustration as well as errors caused by “cutting corners” and hurrying through the implementation.  Discuss with your supervisor the scale of what you are planning.  If he or she thinks it may be too large, consider implementing the project in stages, each complete in itself.  When stage I is working move on to stage II.  If you do not finish stage II, however, you still have a functioning system.
The “Do It Tomorrow” Problem:
The project weeks alloted for completion sounds like a long time, but it goes by quickly.  You need an implementation schedule that allocates reasonable amounts of work throughout the entire semester. Then you must stick to that schedule.  Don’t be tempted to postpone work on the project because your due date seems so far off.  All that happens is that during the final few weeks you rush madly to get something working, and project implemented in a rush rarely works correctly!
The “Sleeping Member” Problem:
In the ideal world, all team members have equal ability, equal interest in the problem, and work equally hard.  In the real world that may not happen.  You may have one (or more) team members who do not carry their share of the workload, not because of a lack of ability, but rather lack of interest or motivation.  This is a serious problem because, although part of your marks is based on each individual’s effort, another part is based on successfully finishing the project.  A non-contributing team member can slow down or prevent completion of the work.  If you have a teammate who is not doing his or her share of the work, talk to them and stress the importance of everyone doing their job.  If this does not solve the problem then talk to your supervisor.  Don’t let the failure of others prevent you from completing the work and receiving good marks.
The “Poop Out At The End” Problem:
You have worked hard for many weeks to complete the project. You have spent many late nights and chased down hundreds of bugs, but it is now working, so are you done?  Absolutely not!  The project evaluation is not based only on the programs you develop but also on your written reports and oral presentations.  Even though you may be “burned out” from implementation, remember there is still work to do. Don’t produce a poorly witten paper or give a poorly organized presentation.  That will negate much of your good work. Put in the time needed to prepare both a well written, high-quality final report and a well organized, polished presentation. A good job on these last steps will insure that you receive the marks that fairly represents the work you have done.

Tips for Perfect Final Year Project

For an effective project, it is advisable to carry out the following activities
  • Defining the objectives of the project.
  •  Acquiring background information about the problem and its possible solutions.
  • Establishing the criteria by which your solution(s) to the problem will be judged.
  • Determining by what process the work will be carried out.
  • Planning the detailed phases of the project.
  • Adopting one or more design methodologies.Analysing requirements.
  • Using (or constructing) tools.
  • Construction of one or more artefacts (hardware, software, document).
  • Evaluating your solution to the problem.Reporting on your work.

    Whatever the nature of the problem you set out to solve, the conclusion of your project should be whether you solved it successfully or not.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Mechanical Engineering – Final Year Project Ideas

Benefits of final year project

Your final year project (BE or ME) can help you in the following ways:
1. You can increase your overall percentage by scoring 90 to 95% marks through a good project.
2. An industry-oriented project can add extra weight age to your resume and help you get a good job in the core mechanical industry.
3. A technically good project can give you an added advantage if you are planning for higher studies in US, UK, Germany etc.

Hence, make your final-year project valuable even if it takes a little more time and effort.

Choose the right industry
You can choose one of the following industries for your project:
Aerospace, Automobile, Marine, HVAC, Oil & Gas, Industrial, Turbo-machines, Machine-tools, Appliances etc.

Choose the right type
You can choose one of the following types:
a. Experimental Projects:
a.i. This type of projects need good lab-facilities and hi-tech instruments for measuring your experimental set-up accurately. Only IITs and IISc have such facilities. Students from Tier II and private colleges try their best but mostly end-up in cooking-up the results or change the project at the last moment due to non-availability of the above facilities.

a.ii. Also it involves more time and cost for setting up the project for those students who are already tightly scheduled with final-exams or campus interviews.

a.iii. This type is feasible for those who don’t have such constraints.

b. Design Projects:
a.i. CAE Projects – Stress analysis, dynamic analysis etc. of aero, auto or mechanical systems can be done through these projects. New design, Improving performance, optimization can be accomplished. FEM based software like ANSYS, NASTRAN, RADIOSS, HYPERMESH etc. can be used.

a.ii. CFD Projects – Flow analysis, Thermal analysis, Aerodynamics improvement are the typical projects. This uses software like FLUENT, STAR-CCM+ are used for CFD analysis.

a.iii. Flexibility and accuracy are the major advantages in this type of projects.
a.iv. However it needs some additional training

Job Opportunities

Interviewers give more weight age for good projects.
CAE or CFD projects in Aerospace and automobile systems have more job opportunities in India, US, Europe and Japan. At the same time HVAC, Oil & Gas, Marine have good opportunities in Gulf.
Choose a RELEVANT project. Go ahead and choose the right project using the above factors. All the best….

Some Project Titles.
  1. CFD projects in Automobile Industry
  2. Design Optimization of Diesel Engine Manifold using CFD Simulations
  3. Improving the mileage of a passenger car through aerodynamics re-design using CFD Techniques
  4. CFD projects in Aerospace Industry
  5. Prediction and minimization of drag on an aircraft wing using CFD Analysis
  6. Design of aircraft safety systems using CFD analysis
  7. CAE project in Automobile Industry
  8. Design optimization of chassis of a truck using CAE analysis
  9. Redesign of a suspension system for passenger car using CAE analysis
  10. CAE project in Aerospace Industry
  11. Design optimization of nose-cone frame of an aircraft using CAE analysis
  12. Performance optimization of wing-box of an aircraft using CAE analysis
More projects…
The choice of the industry can be based on your interest or based on future job-opportunities.