Showing posts with label GATE EXAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GATE EXAM. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 December 2015


IES Exam Pattern
1. The Examination shall be conducted according to the following plan:
Part I— The written Examination will comprise two sections—Section I consisting only of objective types of questions and Section II of conventional papers. Both Sections will cover the entire syllabus of the relevant engineering disciplines viz. Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering. The details of the written Examination i.e. subject, No. of questions, duration and maximum marks allotted to each subject are given below.
Part II— Personality test carrying a maximum of 200 marks of such of the candidates who qualify on the basis of the written examination.
-Among all the career options available for engineers across domains, i.e. in private, public and government sectors still the best, prestigious and coveted career remains that of esteemed Indian Engineering Services(IES).
-Through Indian Engineering Services (IES) a candidate gets a career in most reputed government departments like Indian Railways, Military Engineering Services, C entral Engineering Services,Telecommunication Department, Central Water Services and other esteemed departments.
-In Indian Engineering Services (IES), an Engineer gets an opportunity to handle technically challenging roles and tasks technically, which have a direct bearing on the building up of infrastructure and services of our nation.
-Strategy for the Engineering Services Examination, The foundation of success can be laid on the resolute efforts but a sound strategy accompanied by never say die spirit makes the recipe of success.
-Success can’t be achieved overnight hence a prudent strategy matters a lot.
-For success in Engineering Services Exam, a candidate is required to have excellent fundamentals in the core subjects, along with thorough update on general awareness, current affairs and no less, all the traits of matured personality.
-Following subsequent points will be worth mentioning and aspirants should necessarily keep a note of the same viz:
-Get acquainted with the latest examination pattern and syllabus of the exam. Go through the previous year's question papers. Compare them and see what types of questions are repeated every year.
-It is advisable not to go refer several books for same topic, instead it is better to refer one good book for each topic, which clarifies basic concepts. Selective books are advisable for selected topics.
-For every candidate time management is very essential along with the setting of target. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is apt in his words “One always has time enough, if one will apply it well.” 

The first step which every candidate should follow is to make a time table. Take one subject from each section of your technical syllabus and devote at least 3 hours daily to it. Try to devote 1 hour each to English and General Studies so that you can take an edge as it is key differentiator for being in top rankers.
-Manage your time table such that it has good distribution of study hours for General Ability Section and technical papers, as it makes studies enjoyable and it becomes easy to sustain the momentum for longer hours, without boredom setting in and without losing interest and enthusiasm.
-It is always better to prepare short term plan of study, which should be framed in mind and executed.
-While studying the technical subjects don’t forget to make short notes of important topics. Make a separate list of formulae for each subject and revise the short notes and formulae list daily.
-After completion of the topic solve all previous year questions and practice other questions which are available in good books. This will help you to assess yourself for level of understanding of the subject.
-When you are solving the question set the time limit and after the completion of it check whether you have completed the task within stipulated time or not.
-It is better to practice questions on OMR sheets for marking the answers, which will help to practice the marking of correct answers on OMR sheets quickly in the examinations.
-After completion of it take another subject and follow the same guidelines and don’t forget to revise the important portion and your short notes of the subject which you have prepared earlier.
-While preparing the English, segregate the vocabulary from previous 10 years paper of Engineering Services Examination and Combined Defense Services Examination. Try to memorize at least 20 words daily and don’t miss to revise those words.
-The next step to prepare the portion of English is solve daily 10 to 15 questions based on finding errors and rearrangement of sentences.
-From the topics of general studies first of all find out the area of your interest and study it in the form of story or try to correlate the things. It will develop interest and make the things comfortable.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Recommended books for GATE 2016

See if you want to prepare for GATE 2016 which is going to be preapared by IISc so first of all let me tell
Here list of books for preparation.
1. Thermodynamics -- P K Nag.
2. Fluid mechanics -- Bansal/ modi & seth /SOM
(Bansal is simple and upto the mark.. Modi & Seth is good book for clearing concepts.. SOM is good book if you are good in vector mechanics and differentail equation)
3. Heat and mass transfer -- Sachdeva/Holman
(Sachdeva & Holman books are same, fundamentals of Heat and mass transfer by sachdeva is Indian edition of Holman book).
4. SOM -- B.C. Punamia / Timoshenko.
(Punamia is good for both concept and problems... Timoshenko gives full clearity of all concepts but you won't find GATE related problems)
5 . I C engine -- Mathur & Sharma / V Ganeshan
(I used V ganeshan book its good and have sufficient problems... Mathur & sharma is aloso good book i heard it from friend but i never used)
6. Material science -- Narula & Narula / Callister / IP Singh
( Callister is very good but very vast, if you time then refer some times.. Narula & Narula and IP Singh good books for GATE point of view).
7. Theory of Machines and Mechanical vibration– SS Rattan.
8. Machine Design -- Bhandari/ Shigley.
(Bhandari is perfect book for GATE and IES... Shigley is very good book for concept).
9.Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-- P. K Nag /CP Arora Domkundwar
10. Industrial Engg -- O. P. Khanna Buffa & Sarin
(for Industrial Engg i used hand made notes, so i am not sure of how khanna book is, you can take help of others to decide the book)
11. Operational research --- kanti swarup/ SD Sharma.
12.Manufacturing process -- P N Rao Vol 1& 2/ R K Jain/ Hajra & Choudhary/S K mondal notes which is available in major book houses.
Or A text book on Production Engineering- Dr. Swadesh Singh.
( while preparing for MP be little choosy and stick to the syllabus, because as per my knowledge no book will give you complete information, but i am not sure)
13.Mathematics --BS Grewal/Erwin Kreyszig
(Both books are good, if you like maths then go for erwin kerysing book, really good book and vast... or else for simple GATE preparation Grewal; is more than enough)
14.Aptitude -- As a engineers i don't think we need book for GATE aptitude, but still one can refer Agarwal book..
At last prepare GATE previous years of 1984, 1990, 1996, 2002, 2008, 2016 because they were set by IISc Bangalore and the difficulty level will be almost same with the type of questions

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Preparation for GATE 2016

Four things are vital for GATE preparation.
1. Theory
2. Problem practice
4. Test
Let me take each point one by one.
1. Theory:
First of all, go through the syllabus.
Page on
Either go through made easy notes which are easily available at any Xerox shop in Delhi,
Make your own note from NPTEL.
NPTEL PHASE 2 - Courses
I will recommend you the second option (making notes from nptel) as it will build your concepts in
a much better way.
2. Problem Practice.
I will highly recommend you the following books.

GATE - Mechanical & PI Engineering 2016 : 28 Years
GATE Solved Papers with thorough Explanations (English) 1st Edition
GATE Practice Book 2016: Mechanical Engineering Book
IES 2015 Mechanical Engineering Topicwise Objective Solved Paper II
IES 2015 Mechanical Engg Topicwise Objective Solved Paper-I
Solving the first two is must. After solving these two if you still have enough time, go through the last two books also. Also, if possible, buy made easy notes and go through the problems in it. There are a few very good questions in it.
3. Revision.
This is one of the most important thing for GATE because irrespective of your preparation, if you don't have proper revision strategy, you are going to fail for sure. I have seen many students working really hard throughout the year and ending up with a very low rank because of lack of revision.
So, here is the key.
Make short notes. Go through the important formulas at least 10 times.
In short notes include all formulas and key points. This book is going to help you a lot in making short notes. A Handbook for Mechanical Engineering Book
4. Test.
Make your strategy in such a way that the last 45 days are dedicated only for giving tests. You can join any one or preferably both of these test series.
Try to give each and every test of these two test series.
Giving test is very important because it is going to increase your problem solving speed and accuracy.
If you want to avoid making silly mistakes in the exam, give as many test as possible.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

GATE 2016 Mechanical Engineering Syllabus

Section 1: Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Calculus: Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, mean value theorems, indeterminate forms; evaluation of definite and improper integrals; double and triple integrals; partial derivatives, total derivative, Taylor series (in one and two variables), maxima and minima, Fourier series; gradient, divergence and curl, vector identities, directional derivatives, line, surface and volume integrals, applications of Gauss, Stokes and Green’s theorems.
Differential equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear); higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients; Euler-Cauchy equation; initial and boundary value problems; Laplace transforms; solutions of heat, wave and Laplace's equations.
Complex variables: Analytic functions; Cauchy-Riemann equations; Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula; Taylor and Laurent series.
Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability, sampling theorems, conditional probability; mean, median, mode and standard deviation; random variables, binomial, Poisson and normal distributions.
Numerical Methods: Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations; integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules; single and multi-step methods for differential equations.
Section 2: Applied Mechanics and Design
Engineering Mechanics: Free-body diagrams and equilibrium; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics and dynamics of particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion; impulse and momentum (linear and angular) and energy formulations, collisions.
Mechanics of Materials: Stress and strain, elastic constants, Poisson's ratio; Mohr’s circle for plane stress and plane strain; thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear stresses; deflection of beams; torsion of circular shafts; Euler’s theory of columns; energy methods; thermal stresses; strain gauges and rosettes; testing of materials with universal testing machine; testing of hardness and impact strength.
Theory of Machines: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic analysis of linkages; cams; gears and gear trains; flywheels and governors; balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses; gyroscope.
Vibrations: Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems, effect of damping; vibration isolation; resonance; critical speeds of shafts.
Machine Design: Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N diagram; principles of the design of machine elements such as bolted, riveted and welded joints; shafts, gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, brakes and clutches, springs.
Section 3: Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties; fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy, forces on submerged bodies, stability of floating bodies; control-volume analysis of mass, momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential equations of continuity and momentum; Bernoulli’s equation; dimensional analysis; viscous flow of incompressible fluids, boundary layer, elementary turbulent flow, flow through pipes, head losses in pipes, bends and fittings.
Heat-Transfer: Modes of heat transfer; one dimensional heat conduction, resistance concept and electrical analogy, heat transfer through fins; unsteady heat conduction, lumped parameter system, Heisler's charts; thermal boundary layer, dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer, heat transfer correlations for flow over flat plates and through pipes, effect of turbulence; heat exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU methods; radiative heat transfer, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Wien's displacement law, black and grey surfaces, view factors, radiation network analysis.
Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of pure substances, behaviour of ideal and real gases; zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics, calculation of work and heat in various processes; second law of thermodynamics; thermodynamic property charts and tables, availability and irreversibility; thermodynamic relations.
Applications: Power Engineering: Air and gas compressors; vapour and gas power cycles, concepts of regeneration and reheat. I.C. Engines: Air-standard Otto, Diesel and dual cycles. Refrigeration and air-conditioning: Vapour and gas refrigeration and heat pump cycles; properties of moist air, psychrometric chart, basic psychrometric processes. Turbomachinery: Impulse and reaction principles, velocity diagrams, Pelton-wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines.
Section 4: Materials, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials, phase diagrams, heat treatment, stress-strain diagrams for engineering materials.
Casting, Forming and Joining Processes: Different types of castings, design of patterns, moulds and cores; solidification and cooling; riser and gating design. Plastic deformation and yield criteria; fundamentals of hot and cold working processes; load estimation for bulk (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing) and sheet (shearing, deep drawing, bending) metal forming processes; principles of powder metallurgy. Principles of welding, brazing, soldering and adhesive bonding.
Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Mechanics of machining; basic machine tools; single and multi-point cutting tools, tool geometry and materials, tool life and wear; economics of machining; principles of non-traditional machining processes; principles of work holding, design of jigs and fixtures.
Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and angular measurements; comparators; gauge design; interferometry; form and finish measurement; alignment and testing methods; tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools.
Production Planning and Control: Forecasting models, aggregate production planning, scheduling, materials requirement planning.
Inventory Control: Deterministic models; safety stock inventory control systems.
Operations Research: Linear programming, simplex method, transportation, assignment, network flow models, simple queuing models, PERT and CPM.

GATE Books for Mechanical Engineering

GATE Books for Mechanical Engineering
S.NO.       SUBJECT                                                                         AUTHOR
1               ENGINEERING Thermodynamics                      P.K. Nag; Cen gel and Boles
2.              I.C. Engine                                                           R.P. Sharma M. L. Mathur, R. P. Sharma
3.             Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems                    PR Khajuria & SP Dubey; V ganesan
4.             Fluid Mechanics                                                    D.S. Kumar; k.l.kumar; Cengel                                                                                                 & Cimbala, Frank m. white
5.             Compressible Flow                                                S.M. Yahya; John D. Anderson
6.             Heat and Mass Transfer                                         P. K Nag; JP Hollman; D.S. Kumar;                                                                                                          R.C. Sachdeva
7.             Refrigeration and Air Conditioning                       P. K Nag; CP Arora; Domkundwar
8.             Fluid Machinery                                                     D. S. Kumar; Jagdish Lal; RK Bansal
9.            Theory of Machines                                                S S Rattan , Thomas Bevan
10.          Mechanical Vibration                                              V.P Singh; G.K. Grover
11.          Machine Design                                                      Shigley , VB Bhandari
12.          Material Science                                                     WD Callister IP Singh
13.          Production Engg.                                                    P. N. Rao ( Vol I & II) ,Kalpkjian Schmid                                                                                                Amitabh Ghosh & AK Malik
14.         Industrial Engg.                                                       O. P. Khanna Buffa & Sarin
15.         Operations Research                                               A.M. Natarajan, P.Balasubramani
16.         Strength of Materials                                              Timoshenko gere, RAMAMRUTHAM,
                                                                                              B.C. Punamia

Friday, 14 August 2015

Successful roadmap a fellow student follow to achieve AIR 22 in GATE-ME 2014

This was the successful road map he followed to achieve AIR 22 in GATE-ME 2014:
This constitutes 15% of the total marks of the paper. Problems on finding rank of matrix, type of solution (unique, infinitely many etc.), simple integration (using Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3rd rule etc.), Simple formula based Laplace Transforms, simple probability distributions (normal, poisons, binomial distribution , uniform distribution ), directional derivatives, divergence, curl, simple dice problems, limits, simple PDE are all common.
This constitutes 10-15 marks of your paper. You can find simple FBD problems (just 1) for finding force, conservation of momentum, block and slope type (average stress and maximum stress for different sections like rectangle ,triangle etc.), Macaulay’s theorem (slope & deflection), one question on thin pressure vessels, problems on various theories of failure , torques, and bending moment calculation, truss.
This chapter makes up a huge chunk of your marks – 15 to 20! Expect one problem on (Goodman or Soderberg or Gerber Criteria), bearings (life) calculation , torsion of a bar, loading on a plate with bolts, strain energy, S-N curve, degrees of freedom,  output velocity calculation of mechanism, relative velocity approach, Instantaneous Centre Method, clutch power, brake power, belt drive, conceptual questions on D.O.F. of mechanisms, simple gearing ratio problems on spur gears, type of mechanism (based on link lengths), simple spur gear main, quick return mechanism, mobility.
Questions on vibration account for 2-4 marks. You will find questions on simple single D.O.F , finding natural frequencies (underdamped, critically damped, overdamped)
This chapter accounts for 5-10 marks. Expect questions on simple & differential piezometer, pressure column height calculation, Reynold’s no. calculation, hydraulic power ,nozzle velocity etc. of turbines, continuity equation, Bernoulli’s law (simple problems), tapered sections, pump parameters (speed, power, discharge), gates(of dams) force calculation, venturimeter , laminar flow.

This is another chapter that accounts for 5-10 marks. Problems asked are usually based on Rankine Cycle, Brayton Cycle, Regeneration in steam cycles, and other cycles, T-S diagrams, P-V diagrams, enthalpy calculations, C.O.P., Å‹, parameters of I.C. engine (power, volume capacity, stroke, Å‹, brake power), DBT(Dry Bulb Temp.), WBT (Wet Bulb Temp.), Å‹ relations (otto ,diesel cycles), work done, exit temperature in various stages of cycles , pressure of nozzle, compressor work calculations.
5-10 marks are generally allotted to this chapter. Make sure to study convection, conduction, radiation, Efficiency calculation, heat exchanger (parallel & counter flow) outlet temp. calculation, biot number, Prandtl number, LMTD, Heat transfer through slabs, shells,cylinders, condenser, view factor, unsteady cooling.
This is a monster chapter. It accounts for 10-15 marks. Expect formula based problems on machining (milling, drilling, EDM, ECM) machining time, current, tool geometry, punching, blanking, force; conceptual & theoretical questions; orthogonal machining , heat & power required in welding, transformations (rotations, scaling etc.), solidification time, CNC machine G codes and M Codes , sheet metal, various types of fits, clearance calculation, arc welding, cutting time ( ).

10-15 of the total marks are usually from this  chapter. Be prepared with forecasting model, CPM, PERT, depreciation, cost (labour, tool grinding cost, waiting cost etc.), P-chart, C-chart, R-chart, X- chart, Time study, EOQ, standard time, demand, Poisson’s arrivals & departures , LPP problems (graphical), simplex method, GO, NO-GO gauges, Machine allocation problems, Sequencing problems , EDD, SPT rule (scheduling) etc.

All the best!

Tips and Strategy for GATE ME

GATE exam is of 100 marks and in mechanical average cut off is between 25 to 30, but may depend on the exam of particular year. there is 70 marks for the all technical part of mechanical side which consist of core mechanical subjects and other part consist of 15 marks engineering mathematics plus 15 marks for aptitude and English.
Heat transfer, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Machines, Strength of materials, Theory of Machines, Production Technology, Power plant, RAC and Machine Design, IC engines Engineering mathematics English and Reasoning and Aptitude for me preparing time is less so i left machine design and RAC, but i suggest you to not to leave any of these subjects.i explain how to make this simple.
Firstly cover Thermodynamics completely with last 10 years gate papers and after that when you are through with the subject then its time for heat transfer and IC engine cycles i.e. Otto, and diesel cycles.With Thermodynamics it is easy for you to cover heat transfer and understand it easily.
Now when you are done with these subjects then its time for Fluid and power plant subjects, comparatively fluid syllabus is more than power plant, power plant only includes vapour power cycle and steam power cycle. So these are the very important subjects
Now the most important subject according to me is Production. Technology, all last year exam gives you an idea how important is this. In GATE 2013 it consist of 16 marks out of 70. so it makes you feel that how important is this subject, so give sufficient time to this subject to justify its importance. In production technology metal cutting, casting, forming is very very important.
Now subjects Theory of Machines and Strength of Materials have equal importance. Always 7 to 8 marks is expected from these subjects.
Machine design and RAC consist of less marks but never underestimate these subjects as of their importance.
According to me at least 20 to 25 days are requires for the practise after your preparation of all subjects.other subject i.e. maths, Eng. and aptitude also require time for the practise.

HOW TO MAKE PREPARATION SIMPLE Now you are thinking all these subjects done at a time is very difficult to remember. so here the some ways to how to do this:
1. firstly you prepare thermal subjects i.e. Thermodynamics, heat transfer, IC engines.
2. then start fluid along with practise of previous subjects.
3. at the middle of fluid start production and
4. when fluid ends along with of production start some 1 or 2 hour practise of maths, and aptitude.
5. when you all are done then try to give some tests so that to increase your speed.
6. doing all your practise set a time alarm near to you so that every time you can increase your speed.
7. now for machine design and rac if more time is there then go completely through these subjects
8. but if time is not there then try to see last year papers what is they are asking in these subjects and make Strong that topics.
9. 20 to 25 days of complete practise is must.
10. try to maintain daily 8 to 10 hours, is you are able to give more that is up to you soon

I have already posted information regarding gate exam [check on Gate Tab] and list of important gate topics. you can ask for any of your doubt.
keep preparing....

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Gate 2016 Referenced Books

GATE 2016 ME Books

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination. Which is conducted every year by Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee). This exam is conducted for undergraduate students of engineering and science of various fields.
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) examination is conducted every year. In 2014 there were nearly 10 lakhs candidates who fill the application form of GATE. This exam is mainly for getting admission into higher all India ranking colleges of engineering and technology like IISc, IITs, NITs.
So this exam is one of the most reputed and competitive examination. Every year lakhs of candidates write this exam but very few 1 out of 600 make it to get admission into IISc or any one of seven IITs. Books that candidates read at their undergraduate level are of the great importance for getting good rank in GATE exam because GATE syllabus is based on syllabus of B. E. or B. Tech. at their undergraduate level. Here we are providing the list of books which will help you in your preparation.

Gate 2016 Mechanical Engineering Reference Books

  • General Aptitude :

Verbal Ability :
S. No.                   Book Title                                                                            Author
1. Objective English for Competitive Examinations          Hari Mohan Prasad , Uma Rani Sinha
2. How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT
                                                                                       Arun Sharma , Meenakshi Upadhyay
  • Numerical Ability :

S. No.             Book Title                                                                 Author
1. How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT         Arun Sharma
2. How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT              Arun Sharma
  • Engineering Mathematics :

S. No.                          Book Title                                                Author
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics                                    B. S. Grewal
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics                                Bandaru Ramana
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics                            Erwin Kreyszig
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics                         Michael Greenberg
  • Engineering Mathematics Guide Books :

S. No.     Book Title                                                                            Author
1. GATE Engineering Mathematics : For All Streams                            Arihant Publications
2. GATE Engineering & Mathematics General Apptitude 2016           G. K. Publications
3. Engineering Mathematics GATE 2015                                          Made Easy Publication
  • Engineering Mathematics Solved Papers Books :

S. No. Book Title                                                                                              Author
1. Gate Paper Mathematics 2016 : Solved Paper 2000-2015                 G. K. Publications
2. GATE - 2015 Engineering Mathematics : Solved Papers 1993-2014
                                                                                                         ACE Engineering Publications        

Mechanical Engineering :

  • Applied Mechanics And Design :

Engineering Mechanics :

S. No.            Book Title                                                             Author
1. Engineering Mechanics                         S. Timoshenko , Sukumar Pati , D. H. Young , J. V. Rao
2.  Engineering Mechanics                                    S S Bhavikatti
  • Strength of Materials :

S. No.              Book Title                                                         Author
1. Strength of Materials                                                      S. S. Rattan
2. Strength of Materials                                                     R. K. Rajput
3. STRENGTH OF MATERIAL                                   S.Ramamurtham

Theory of Machines :

S. No.          Book Title                                                              Author
1. Theory of Machines                                                       R. S. Khurmi
2. Theory of Machines                                                       S S Rattan
  • Vibrations :

S. No.               Book Title                                                       Author
1. Mechanical Vibrations                                      G. K. Grover
  • Design :

S. No.           Book Title                                          Author
1.            Design of Machine Elements                    V B Bhandari
  • Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences :

Fluid Mechanics :

S. No.             Book Title                                                      Author
1. A Textbook Of Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulic  Machines         R. K. Bansal
2. Fluid Mechanics                                                                             Frank White
3.Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulics Machines        P. N. Modi

Heat-Transfer :

S. No.                 Book Title                                                  Author
1. Heat And Mass Transfer                                           R. C. Sachdeva
2.  Heat And Mass Transfer                                          P. K. Nag
3. Heat And Mass Transfer                                          R. K. Rajput / D.S.Kumar

Thermodynamics :

S. No.             Book Title                                                                                Author
1. Engineering Thermodynamics                                                             P. K. Nag
2. Thermodynamics : An Engineering Approach            Yunus A. Cengel , Michael A. Boles

Applications :

S. No.                            Book Title                                                                     Author
1. Internal Combustion Engines                                                     V. Ganesan
2. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning                                                 C. P. Arora
3.Textbook of Refrigeration And Air Conditioning                             J. K. Gupta
4.Textbook of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning                                   Rajput R K
5.Gas Turbines and Propulsive Systems                                            P. R. Khajuria , S. P. Dubey
  • Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering :

Engineering Materials :

S. No.                Book Title                                                                              Author
1. Material Science and Metallurgy                                                          U. C. Jindal
2. A Text-Book of Material Science and Metallurgy                            O. P. Khanna

Production Engineering :

S. No.                     Book Title                                                                  Author
1. Production Engineering                                                          Amitabh Ghosh
2. Production Engineering                                                             A.K. Malik

Industrial Engineering:

S. No.              Book Title                                                                        Author
Industrial Engineering                                                        O P Khanna,

Operations Research :

S. No.                Book Title                                               Author
1. Introduction to Management Science
     Operations Research                              Man Mohan P. K. Gupta Kanti Swarup
  • Gate 2016 Mechanical Engineering Guide Books :

S. No.                   Book Title                                                                             Author
1. Mechanical Engineering for GATE                     McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited
2. Conventional & Objective Type Questions &
Answers on Mechanical Engineering for Competitions                    R. K. Jain
3. Mechanical Engineering                                             R S Khurmi , J K Gupta
4. IES, GATE, PSUs: A Handbook on Mechanical Engineering            Made Easy Publications
5. Mechanical Engineering Handbook                                           Arihant Publications
6. 5200 Fully Solved MCQ for IES, GATE & PSUs : Mechanical Engineering 
                                                                                                 Made Easy Publications
7. Mechanical Engineering for GATE                                       Vikas Slariya
8. Wiley Acing the GATE (Mechanical Engineering)                Ajay Kumar Tamrakar
9. GATE Tutor 2016 - Mechanical Engineering                       Dinesh Nath Goswami
10. GATE 2016 - Mechanical Engineering                            G. K. Publication
  • Gate 2016 Mechanical Engineering Solved Papers Books :

S. No.                   Book Title                                                                        Author
1. GATE - Mechanical & PI Engineering 2016 : 29 Years
Solved Papers with Thorough Explanations                                   Made Easy Publication
2. GATE Mechanical Engineering 2016 : Solved Papers
1996 - 2015                                                                                      G. K. Publications
3. Chapterwise Previous Years Solved Papers
(2015-2000) GATE Mechanical Engineering                                 Arihant Publications
4. GATE -2015 Mechanical Engineering : Solved Paper
1987-2014                                                                                  Ace Engineering Publications
  • Gate 2016 Mechanical Engineering Mock Tests :

S. No.                                                   Book Title                                           Author
1. Mechanical Engineering for GATE 2015 (With CD) :
10 Practice Sets                                                                                        Arihant Publications

Top 10 Mistakes Done By GATE Aspirants

1. Studied wrong / wrongly. Always prefer standard books. A little mistake can lower your GATE rank.
2. Not properly revised after a certain period of time. “Practice makes man perfect.” Revise what you
have studied time to time.

3. Loosing confidence after seeing the questions paper. Don’t worry question paper is also hard for all
4. Your time management in exam was not so good as you thought. Do solve practice papers time to time with time management same as GATE exam.

5. Never prepared Mathematics and General Aptitude upto that level that I prepared Technical. Don’t forget Mathematics and General Aptitude. These subjects have 30% ratio of total marks.
6. Only prepared previous years papers. Previous years papers will help you to analysis GATE exam but will not sure your golden success. You have to do more study other than previous years papers.
7. Didn’t prepared all subjects because there was no time for those. Always prepare a time table then prepare. Being good in all subjects is always better than being master in only one subject.
8. Don’t feel restless and anxious before examination. Before exam day, take proper rest and food.
9. Fear of examination. Fear is obvious, accept it but don’t focus on it much, don’t let it affect your performance in exam.

10. Forgot Admit card or forgot calculator. It is little but general mistake. It happens because of exam pressure. To avoid this, prepare yourself a day before your exam.
“You need not to be perfect in exam. You need to do well as compare to other in exam.”

Is it necessary to join coaching for GATE 2016 ?

How do I prepare for GATE 2016 without coaching? What should be my strategy to start preparing for GATE 2016 self ? You all must have this kind of questions in your mind. Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look.”

First of all best wishes to whom who did very well in GATE 2015. Who will get good rank in GATE 2015 will surely get good college for higher education and those who want a job with PSU will surely get selected in PSUs but those who don’t get good rank in GATE 2015 don’t lose hope world hasn’t end here.
You have a great  opportunity again to make it possible this time with a very good GATE rank, it is GATE 2016. Start your preparation again this  time with Little more effort, little more concentrate, little more dedication, little more better analysis and little more hours with study. So, candidates who wish to prepare self make a proper plan for rest of the days and stick to that until GATE 2016 examination.
Those who are preparing self they need more  dedication and concentration because you are the mentor of yourself, you are the examiner of yourself. So beside an aspirant, beside a student you are  also playing a role of examiner of yourself.
Candidates who can not join any coaching or don’t want to join any coaching for GATE 2016 preparation must consider these points. If you can get guidance from any of your senior or any of your friend who have cleared GATE previously. If you can arrange some good coaching institute material.
Remember not a single institute is always good in all subjects but you can arrange a single good  study material as per your requirement by choosing from different-different coaching institutes. If you can manage someone who can guide you time to time then no need to join any coaching because coaching is for mainly save your time but many times it waste your time. If you are serious about GATE 2016 preparation and want to utilize your whole time and if you have studied well at your graduation level  then no need to join coaching just sit on chair and start preparation. You may join any or many test series for last time preparation. I have seen many GATE topper who just read standard book and make in GATE top 10 list.
Those who are preparing with any coaching institute they must Consider some points before joining  any online or off line coaching institute. Before choosing any online or offline coaching institute just look into few points as written below which will help you to select a correct institute for your preparation:

1- If we talk about any offline coaching institute then first thing is whether you want to join coaching
in your city or in other city. If you can join coaching out of your city if your family and all other conditions permits than consider all coaching institute which can help you to get good rank in GATE 2016. Living in your own city may help you in basic daily activities like food, cloths, travelling etc. So if you can prepare well at home then you must check any of good coaching institution available in
your city. If there is no any coaching as per your expectations then you can join coaching other than
your home city.

2- First of all get feedback from some students of a particular institute. You can choose as much as institute as much as you want for analyzing. Analyze experience of student about that particular institute, about their study techniques, study material, problem solving and explanation techniques and individually problem solving sessions like many students always can’t ask question is a full strength classes and they get no more benefits from joining any coaching institute it is like wasting your time while sitting in room like waiting room where you wait to end of the class time.

3- Select any coaching for your GATE 2016 preparation on the basis of your requirement and coaching institutes present performance. Do not choose any institute for study on the basis of how big  his coaching institute is famous. Many students go with big name and they got nothing much like
their name so before get admission in any institute for your GATE 2016 preparation choose any coaching institute wisely because after all it is about your career, your whole one year, your dedication and also about your family because many students are there whose family depend on  them or will be dependent very soon. So every decision of you depends upon many factors.

How to prepare for gate 2016 in 6 months ?

By Experts
“How to prepare for gate 2016 in 8/6/3 months ?? You all must have this kind of questions in your mind nowadays. Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look.”
I am writing this post on July 2015 from here you have nearly 8 months for preparation of GATE 2016. Here I will tell you how to prepare for GATE in just 6 months or less. You must have heard that some candidate says that I studied for only 6 months or 3 months and get 3 digit rank in GATE. You must have thinking that, that  candidate is awesome. He is surely awesome but have you ever think what he/she did awesome with his/her study? Here I am going to throw light on such key points. I am writing these point keeping in mind that a candidate have just 6 months to prepare for GATE 2016.
Here, First I am writing some points which you must consider first. Don’t start study with reading standard books
You must have thinking that I always suggest you guys that always study using standard books. Here what I just wrote is different I said don’t start with standard books not don’t use standard books. Now I think you are understanding what I want to tell you.
If you start your study for GATE 2016 by reading standard books you would not go so far, just end up by completing a book of a single subject in this whole 6 month period because standard reference books contain 1000-2000 pages with lots of topics and information in it.
The syllabus of GATE is as large as your B E / B Tech complete course. So, Here you are going to complete that 4 year syllabus in just 6 months using lots of books, Guides and MCQ banks. Is it possible in just 6 months ? Think yourself.
You can’t even get all the information contain in a single standard book in these 6 months. So, Here
you have to change your approach.
Then what to do ?
Answer is right below.
First Complete GATE Syllabus Obviously if you are preparing for GATE 2016 you need to complete your whole GATE syllabus in just 6 months or earlier. So, If you start your preparation without any proper approach you will not be able to complete your whole GATE 2016 syllabus in just 6 months. There may be many reason for not being  complete your GATE 2016 syllabus in these 6months like you studied some topics in very deep while they were not much important from exam point of view, you spent lots of time on a single subject like your favorite one, din’t study regularly like study for 2 days all day and night and after that 10 days rest, studied topics which are less or not important from exam point of view.
So, Here your first preference must completing the whole GATE syllabus first. Obviously you have less time so you can’d go in depth of each topic and each subject. So study little bit of everything, little bit of each topic and each subject and finally little bit of the whole syllabus.
Does questions get repeated in GATE ?
This point is also worth considering while preparing for GATE 2016. Many would tell you no GATE
question doesn’t get repeated generally. Here I would like to tell you GATE question also get repeated but in different way. They will not ask the same question again but they will ask the question with same approach again. Like they asked a question, what is 1+1=?. Next time they will not ask the same question in the same way, they will ask like what is 2+3=?. Question may be different, values provided in the question may be different but approach of solving question will be almost same. GATE syllabus is huge to prepare in just 6 months but here is a secret, GATE paper mostly contain numerical problems and numericals are based on formulas and formulas are limited. So, this is a key point by using this you can even limit this GATE huge syllabus by using some techniques. How to prepare for GATE 2016 in 6 months ?
Again this post is specially designed for those candidates who want to prepare for GATE 2016 exam in just 6 months. Candidate preparing for GATE for 1/2/3/4 long years may follow this approach but will not be appropriate for those because they have huge time to prepare instead of just 6 months.

1. Start with previous years papers. Buy a book with previous 20-30 years solved papers. Solve each
and every question precisely. Not just solve but also understand and solve questions which are closely related to that particular question from standard books. Remember solving questions without understanding will not help you much.

2. After solving previous 20-30 years papers nicely you will have a good idea about what kind of questions they ask in exam and from which topic they ask the most or frequently. Now note down such all topics and do solve some more questions from standard books or you may refer some good MCQ books related to those topics. Remember don’t waste your time on hard topics because your every single minute count here. You have limited time just 6 months for GATE 2016 preparation.

3. Now its time to solve some mock tests. Arrange some previous mock tests from your friend or buy any mock test book from market and solve every question of the test precisely. Certainly you would not able to solve all the question of the test. This is not the point where you need to worry. Here you will get a good idea about in which area you are strong and in which area you are weak. Go through each question one by one, to which you were not able to solve. Solve them with the help of standard books, internet etc.. Study enough so that you can answer the similar kind of question next time easily, if it appears. Remember, Here again try to understand the basic of that particular topic not go in depth. We have limited time just 6 months to prepare. If you find a question hard to understand or
unlikely to be asked in exam, skip it. Mark it for later and move on. You can come back to these kind of questions later if time permits.

4. Repeat the same approach. keep solving as many paper as you can. It will increase your level of understand that what kind of question GATE office is going to ask in GATE 2016 exam and this  will also give you an idea that how you would handle such kind of questions in GATE 2016 exam. If   possible join some online test series of some reputed coaching institutes. It would be better to join multiple institutes test series if you can because you will face variety of question from different- different institutes. You will face different-different kind of questions for the same subject designed by different-different institutes master. It will also help you in you real time GATE 2016 exam because GATE exam is nowadays online computer based test(CBT).

5. Last but very important point besides understanding lots of things, reading lots of stuff, referring lots of books, joining lots of test series you need to remember these all things atleast till the GATE 2016 exam finish. So need to revise these all things time to time so always prepare a plan or time table which contain timely revision. Make a time table for a whole day, for a week, for a month and for next 6 months for GATE 2016. Stick to the time able. Must include time for revision in each time
1. Start preparation by solving previous 20-30 years papers. It will give you a good idea about what you have to prepare and what not to prepare. Because in this competitive world you need to be smart along with having knowledge.
2. First complete GATE whole syllabus as soon as possible. You are going to attend GATE 2016. So, You have to complete it completely before GATE 2016 examination. Examiner may ask question from any subject and also from any topic mentioned in GATE 2016 syllabus.
3. Solve previous 20-30 years papers precisely. Don’t just solve them, understand them. GATE question don’t get repeated but by solving previous years papers you are being familiarize with questions asked in GATE exam. So that you can prepare according to that now for GATE 2016.
4. Solve question which are closely related to previously asked questions. GATE question don’t get repeated but approach may get repeated. So solving related questions will surely increase your marks in GATE 2016 exam.
5. Join some good online mock tests and prepare for them nicely. As nowadays GATE exam is an online computer based test (CBT). So these online mock tests will prepare you to be familiarize with exam like environment and will also help you to improve your GATE 2016 preparation.
6. Make a proper time table as per your daily routine for a day, a week, a month and for 6 month period and stick to that. As you have less time to prepare, So you need a proper plan to complete your whole GATE 2016 syllabus within time limit of 6 months.
7. Always keep a place for revision in your time table. Revision is really-really important because you can’t remember all the things you have studied in last 6 months.
must check : PSUs through GATE 2016

1. Don’t start preparation by reading standard books. As you have less time to prepare, So you need be more focus on what you have to study first and what later. Its all about time management when
time is less.
2. Don’t just solve previous years papers. Just solving previous years papers will not help you much in GATE 2016 exam. It will even confuse you more in exam. So, solve previous years papers with understanding not just solving. 
3. Never go in depth of some topics or subjects. Obviously examiner is not going to ask all the question from the subjects which you have prepared well. They will ask question from almost all subjects. So prepare all subjects equally first.

“GATE examination is to check basic knowledge and understanding of a candidate at their graduate

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

15 Must Read Tips and Tricks for GATE 2016 Aspirant

1. First of all go through latest syllabus of GATE completely. Read every single topic of each subject carefully mentioned in the GATE syllabus. “It is important to know what to study but it is more important to know what not to study”. Because you have to choose subjects to study as per GATE syllabus you do not need to study all subjects which you have studied in your B.E. / B. Tech. course. 

2. Buy Made Easy / ACE Academy GATE previous years papers book with explained solution. It will surely help greatly those who are preparing self at home.

3. Always read standard books. Why need to read standard books ?
Because standard books written by highly experienced Professors of reputed institutes / universities. Data available in those books are very well examined on theoretical as well as practical measurements. These books always comes with complete analysis and statistics which you can find on the start and last of the books.
GATE papers are designed by IISc, IIT, NITs highly experienced professor those who have written many international and national level books and articles. So always try to use standard books try to avoid mere knowledge books. Some standard publications are Tata McGraw-Hill (TMH), Prentice- Hall of India (PHI), Wiley etc.

4. Many would say 3 to 4 month serious preparation is enough but I would suggest you as per present competition you must start your preparation as soon as possible targeting GATE 2016 examination .

5. First of all make proper plan before starting your GATE preparation. What you have to study ? What you have already studied or in which areas you are weak and in which areas you are strong ? How many hours you have in a day for GATE preparation ? Specially if you are preparing for GATE with college study.

6. In free time try to read articles or guide notes written by previously qualified candidates or toppers. It will surely give you a good idea about GATE preparation because experience take time and you are getting it without Wasting your time. If possible try to communicate with them so that they can rectify your silly mistakes in your preparation strategy.

7. Always keep a copy of syllabus of GATE with you, refer it as much as possible because many time we try to ignore many topic and those topics have big portion in your GATE paper and that inversely affect your rank in GATE examination.

8. Don’t start your preparation in rush like doing all subjects at once. Starting studying everything like theory and numerical of all subjects at once it will confused you in last time preparation. Start with basics then go high as you find yourself good enough prepared.
As per my suggestion make your GATE preparation plan in three steps :
  • First basic studies like definitions, units, dimensions etc. It will help you very well in extension study of that particular subject.
  • Theoretical portion of that particular subject.
  • Numerical portion of that particular subject.  At last revision of that particular subject before starting new one. Try to study only one subject at a time. If you can manage two subjects at a time that would also good. But more then two subjects at a time may lead you in big confusion in last time preparation or at revision time.
9. Try to solve as much as possible theoretical and numerical problems because as said “Practice makes man perfect”. I will suggest you read only one subject at a time from only one book. That one book must good enough to follow GATE syllabus. So before starting GATE study, consult with your seniors or GATE qualifiers about books for GATE preparation. Do not follow books without knowledge because all  books don’t have good learning material it may lead you less marks in GATE exam.

10. Stay with a particular topic, understand what GATE paper designer ask from that topic, read all questions asked in GATE previous years, try to solve similar kind of question from as much as possible books.

11. When you find you have done enough questions for that particular topic then try to find some tricks that will help you to solve question with in shortest possible time so that you can utilize your remaining time in other questions solving because in GATE paper three kind of questions they asked :
  •  Easy : Which many students would be able to answer without much preparation.
  •  Moderate : These kind of question easily answered by who prepared for GATE with some awareness.
  •  Hard : For this kind of questions student need very good preparation of every single topic of each subject mentioned in the GATE syllabus. This kind of question mostly lengthy and include more than 1 logic which you have to apply to solve that particular question. Many times 3-4 logic.
    So, such kind of question need more attention and need more time to solve than easy questions. So always try to save your time in exam for such kind of questions.

12. Always try to develop some good tricks while you study at home because to be master in some kind of tricks you have to practice it as much as possible time. You can learn it from a magician he work for a single trick nearly 10-12 hours in a single day for just making one show of some minutes but what after introducing that trick ?
All the people in the hall just praise his work and clap for his trick same as that magician you must have to practice as much as possible to make your trick successful for that you need to study continuously for hours with very high concentration.

13. Mock tests are the most important part in your preparation because you are going to prepare for an exam not for writing a book. So if you will not try to prepare in exam like environment you will surely do some silly kind of mistakes in the exam that in return lead you less marks.
So if possible try to make some mock tests by yourself if you can’t afford any coaching expanses or try to collect some test papers from your friends who have joined coaching and taking mock tests. You can use those papers as your own mock test preparation just sit with your table and chair like in
exam, set a clock for 3 hours exam like as exam hall and try to solve question same as you would  solve in your GATE exam. If you can afford coaching expenses then you may join any test series of good coaching institute.
Mock tests give you a good idea about time management in the exam hall in which many fails due to some silly reasons. Like they forgot to bring watch with them or calculator etc. The whole plan of exam must be in your mind like you have given this exam many times even if you are giving it first time. It would only possible if you prepare yourself for this exam previously very well.

14. Always evaluate yourself, not just run like a horse in a race. Make a plan for study. Study for 6 days in a week and left 1 day for revision purpose for what you have studied in last 6 days. Same do it for a month plan. Leave 2-3 days of a month in last for the revision for what you have studied in that particular month.
You need to revise what you have studied in your whole preparation like if you have 6 months for GATE preparation than you have to complete your whole GATE syllabus in just 5 months. Keep last month for revision because you can’t revise/recall everything what you have studied in last 5 months
without revising it.

15. If you don’t have enough time to prepare the whole syllabus of GATE then first calculate in what areas examiner asked questions the most try to prepare them first then others. 

If you need any kind of guidance or have any kind of query related to GATE examination preparation you may write it below through comment box. We will provide solution as soon as possible. Feel free to ask anything related to GATE preparation.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Motivate yourself for Gate or future!

By Expert..

1. If you show some guts to open up by not hiding behind "anon" - may be some one would have noted your situation and might have assisted you.

2. The moment you don't get a job, you people feel that you are untouchable. If that is what you believe how outsiders can understand you?

3. You are just 23- ( believe me if you can) when I was 45, a mere commerce graduate had two
children - I left the job to move back to my state - but without a job for 1 year. Then I just invented myself - and changed not only the horses but also the entire vehicle - and migrated from accounts to advertising.

4. You have not got GATE, and you are an instrumentation engineer and you got a break in employment and you feel and decided that you have
been fucked up.

5. Did you ever do masturbation? After doing it, did you ever feel guilty of doing it? And after a week you did it and enjoyed it and after its over you feel guilty about it ... it's a unending story.

6. I am afraid you young people should learn lot from Congress party. You can not be a AAP member and still want to survive in this society.

7. There are no Sages or Sri Rama in this society and we are all in a kind of society where we make up ourselves to get our daily bread.

8. The HR manager is cheating telling you in his company - only the real worker will be rewarded;
The management cheating explaining that the sky is the limit for real performer.
The Banker is cheating that they have money to loan you;
The team manager is cheating by telling that all the team members are equal to him. And we - as an individual - are unable to tell simple lie for our own life sake.

We tell lies to our girl friends and to our parents but when it comes to the job, we want to be naked there.

9. Stop telling in resume that you have a break ( not GAP) in employment. So after two days you will believe in your resume. You search some thing - some idea, some clue to cement that "gap". And re write the resume.

10. Do not show your or explain your strengths and weakness etc., Add a good convincing creative covering letter.

11. Being instrumentation engineer - you should look for job titles like " Team manager, assist manager - commercial, or purchase or design or Site Engineer of any trade, or else get back to e commerce ( not a software job)

12. Don't get fucked up by drawing circles and boundaries around you.

13. Have some flexibility and look beyond that instrumentation and GATE.

14. There are half a billion people with out IIT or IIM
or GATE. And they are happy.

15. Do not spend too much time on FB, delete your resume from Linked In.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

List of top books for GATE 2015 –Mechanical Engineering, as suggested by Textbook users:

Engineering Thermodynamics 5th Edition by P.K Nag
The book has good number of solved examples. Going through those examples would help you build your concepts and techniques on how to use them in solving problems.
Thermodynamics by Cengel and Boles  Covers the entire thermodynamics including first law, second law, entropy, energy, gas power cycles, refrigeration. Concepts are explained in detail with good examples. Plenty of unsolved problem in every chapter. The solution for it are available online.
Fluid Mechanics – Fundamentals and Applications (In SI Units) 2nd Edition by Cengel and Cimbala:The text helps in developing the concepts from scratch and is written in a easy-to-understand language. The book covers the basic principles and equations of fluid mechanics in the context of numerous and diverse real-world engineering examples.

Heat and Mass Transfer 4th Edition by Cengel
A good book to understand the concepts of heat and mass transfer from basics. Language used is easy to comprehend. Book also include solved and unsolved problmes
Theory of Machines by R.S. Khurmi
The concepts on theory of machines are explained in detail and language again is easy. The book contains plenty of solved and unsolved problems covering all types of questions for you to practice.
Mechanical Vibrations by V. P. Singh
This particular text is considered to be the best reference book for the subject with detailed explanations for subject and includes exercises for you to practice.
Manufacturing Technology 3rd Edition by P.N Rao
This book is a must have for all mechanical engineers, since it is the best one available for clearing concepts and all the topics are covered in a lucid manner. No other book describes the manufacturing processes better and it will definitely help you improve your concepts well enough for GATE 2015.
Strength of Materials: Advanced Theory and Problems 3rd Edition by Timoshenko
One of the best books which deals with this subject with perfect explanations of core concepts, innumerable examples to improve your knowledge and practice.
Design of Machine elements by V.B. Bhandari
The book also has plenty of solved and unsolved examples which covers all the aspects of machine design. The book is vast, so choose the topics as per the gate syllabus.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Why is M Tech better than joining a sellout low- paying job?

By Zafar Ahmed Ansari |

For quite some time now there has been a phenomenon of so called ‘mass recruiters’ in campuses all over India. These companies pay
hardly enough in these jobs for surviving in big cities and they are very tough task masters. In
some instances people have to compulsorily do night shifts even though it is not BPO work, thus
ruining their health and peace of mind. They hire in bulk (hundreds from a single college) every year.
When people get selected for such companies they get complacent. They stop trying. After two-three
years, it is to their bitter disappointment when they realize that they are frustrated and want to leave their jobs. Till then another fresher batch is ready to take their place.

Today’s India is being built by engineers. The quality of that will depend on the quality of our engineers. Unfortunately we have focused on quantity and not quality in higher education. Private
colleges are churning out engineers who are quite literally incompetent in their fields.

A lot of blame lies in the environment these engineers find themselves in. When no one is interested in teaching or studying around them why shouldn’t they do the same? It is thus important to remember that it is we who make our destinies and not others.

For those of us who have never studied from standard books, who have gone to exams mugging up question banks and who have always started two days before exams, it is a wake-up call. Such people may have got placed but their complacency
is only an illusion. GATE 2013 is a chance to mend ways and become a good engineer for the rest of
your life. Not only will a PG from a good college give you perspective to good engineering, but more
importantly you will find yourself in company of talented and hardworking people. Their positive
influence on you will bring out the best in you.

It is not just a degree. It is a chance to start again. It is a chance to undo wrongs of your past. Go for M Tech from a good college not only for a better shot at a job, but for becoming a better engineer.