Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Friday, 10 July 2015

Books on the subject of HeatTransfer

There are a lot of books on the subject of Heat Transfer by different authors with different approaches to the subject. Based on your need you can pick out one from them. I would categories them for you
If you are preparing for some examination like GATE/IES , the go for RC Sachdeva /PK Nag / DS Kumar/R.K. Rajput. All are likely same with little differences. Out of these RC Sachdeva & PK Nag have insisted somewhat less on problems & more on theory when compared to DS Kumar and R.K. rajput.
If you are there for developing a deep insight into the subject & explore it , I would suggest you to go for Incropera/ Younus A Cengel / JP Holman. Incropera is also considered as the bible of Heat Transfer! JP Holman is brief while Younus A Cengel will put forward the beauty of Heat Transfer with practical problems & elaborate the typical higher order differential equations in detail.
Except these books, I won't suggest you to try any other book as they will just waste your time & will mess up your concepts.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Gate 2016 Referenced Books

GATE 2016 ME Books

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination. Which is conducted every year by Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee). This exam is conducted for undergraduate students of engineering and science of various fields.
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) examination is conducted every year. In 2014 there were nearly 10 lakhs candidates who fill the application form of GATE. This exam is mainly for getting admission into higher all India ranking colleges of engineering and technology like IISc, IITs, NITs.
So this exam is one of the most reputed and competitive examination. Every year lakhs of candidates write this exam but very few 1 out of 600 make it to get admission into IISc or any one of seven IITs. Books that candidates read at their undergraduate level are of the great importance for getting good rank in GATE exam because GATE syllabus is based on syllabus of B. E. or B. Tech. at their undergraduate level. Here we are providing the list of books which will help you in your preparation.

Gate 2016 Mechanical Engineering Reference Books

  • General Aptitude :

Verbal Ability :
S. No.                   Book Title                                                                            Author
1. Objective English for Competitive Examinations          Hari Mohan Prasad , Uma Rani Sinha
2. How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT
                                                                                       Arun Sharma , Meenakshi Upadhyay
  • Numerical Ability :

S. No.             Book Title                                                                 Author
1. How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT         Arun Sharma
2. How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT              Arun Sharma
  • Engineering Mathematics :

S. No.                          Book Title                                                Author
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics                                    B. S. Grewal
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics                                Bandaru Ramana
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics                            Erwin Kreyszig
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics                         Michael Greenberg
  • Engineering Mathematics Guide Books :

S. No.     Book Title                                                                            Author
1. GATE Engineering Mathematics : For All Streams                            Arihant Publications
2. GATE Engineering & Mathematics General Apptitude 2016           G. K. Publications
3. Engineering Mathematics GATE 2015                                          Made Easy Publication
  • Engineering Mathematics Solved Papers Books :

S. No. Book Title                                                                                              Author
1. Gate Paper Mathematics 2016 : Solved Paper 2000-2015                 G. K. Publications
2. GATE - 2015 Engineering Mathematics : Solved Papers 1993-2014
                                                                                                         ACE Engineering Publications        

Mechanical Engineering :

  • Applied Mechanics And Design :

Engineering Mechanics :

S. No.            Book Title                                                             Author
1. Engineering Mechanics                         S. Timoshenko , Sukumar Pati , D. H. Young , J. V. Rao
2.  Engineering Mechanics                                    S S Bhavikatti
  • Strength of Materials :

S. No.              Book Title                                                         Author
1. Strength of Materials                                                      S. S. Rattan
2. Strength of Materials                                                     R. K. Rajput
3. STRENGTH OF MATERIAL                                   S.Ramamurtham

Theory of Machines :

S. No.          Book Title                                                              Author
1. Theory of Machines                                                       R. S. Khurmi
2. Theory of Machines                                                       S S Rattan
  • Vibrations :

S. No.               Book Title                                                       Author
1. Mechanical Vibrations                                      G. K. Grover
  • Design :

S. No.           Book Title                                          Author
1.            Design of Machine Elements                    V B Bhandari
  • Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences :

Fluid Mechanics :

S. No.             Book Title                                                      Author
1. A Textbook Of Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulic  Machines         R. K. Bansal
2. Fluid Mechanics                                                                             Frank White
3.Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulics Machines        P. N. Modi

Heat-Transfer :

S. No.                 Book Title                                                  Author
1. Heat And Mass Transfer                                           R. C. Sachdeva
2.  Heat And Mass Transfer                                          P. K. Nag
3. Heat And Mass Transfer                                          R. K. Rajput / D.S.Kumar

Thermodynamics :

S. No.             Book Title                                                                                Author
1. Engineering Thermodynamics                                                             P. K. Nag
2. Thermodynamics : An Engineering Approach            Yunus A. Cengel , Michael A. Boles

Applications :

S. No.                            Book Title                                                                     Author
1. Internal Combustion Engines                                                     V. Ganesan
2. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning                                                 C. P. Arora
3.Textbook of Refrigeration And Air Conditioning                             J. K. Gupta
4.Textbook of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning                                   Rajput R K
5.Gas Turbines and Propulsive Systems                                            P. R. Khajuria , S. P. Dubey
  • Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering :

Engineering Materials :

S. No.                Book Title                                                                              Author
1. Material Science and Metallurgy                                                          U. C. Jindal
2. A Text-Book of Material Science and Metallurgy                            O. P. Khanna

Production Engineering :

S. No.                     Book Title                                                                  Author
1. Production Engineering                                                          Amitabh Ghosh
2. Production Engineering                                                             A.K. Malik

Industrial Engineering:

S. No.              Book Title                                                                        Author
Industrial Engineering                                                        O P Khanna,

Operations Research :

S. No.                Book Title                                               Author
1. Introduction to Management Science
     Operations Research                              Man Mohan P. K. Gupta Kanti Swarup
  • Gate 2016 Mechanical Engineering Guide Books :

S. No.                   Book Title                                                                             Author
1. Mechanical Engineering for GATE                     McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited
2. Conventional & Objective Type Questions &
Answers on Mechanical Engineering for Competitions                    R. K. Jain
3. Mechanical Engineering                                             R S Khurmi , J K Gupta
4. IES, GATE, PSUs: A Handbook on Mechanical Engineering            Made Easy Publications
5. Mechanical Engineering Handbook                                           Arihant Publications
6. 5200 Fully Solved MCQ for IES, GATE & PSUs : Mechanical Engineering 
                                                                                                 Made Easy Publications
7. Mechanical Engineering for GATE                                       Vikas Slariya
8. Wiley Acing the GATE (Mechanical Engineering)                Ajay Kumar Tamrakar
9. GATE Tutor 2016 - Mechanical Engineering                       Dinesh Nath Goswami
10. GATE 2016 - Mechanical Engineering                            G. K. Publication
  • Gate 2016 Mechanical Engineering Solved Papers Books :

S. No.                   Book Title                                                                        Author
1. GATE - Mechanical & PI Engineering 2016 : 29 Years
Solved Papers with Thorough Explanations                                   Made Easy Publication
2. GATE Mechanical Engineering 2016 : Solved Papers
1996 - 2015                                                                                      G. K. Publications
3. Chapterwise Previous Years Solved Papers
(2015-2000) GATE Mechanical Engineering                                 Arihant Publications
4. GATE -2015 Mechanical Engineering : Solved Paper
1987-2014                                                                                  Ace Engineering Publications
  • Gate 2016 Mechanical Engineering Mock Tests :

S. No.                                                   Book Title                                           Author
1. Mechanical Engineering for GATE 2015 (With CD) :
10 Practice Sets                                                                                        Arihant Publications

Thursday, 30 April 2015

List of top books for GATE 2015 –Mechanical Engineering, as suggested by Textbook users:

Engineering Thermodynamics 5th Edition by P.K Nag
The book has good number of solved examples. Going through those examples would help you build your concepts and techniques on how to use them in solving problems.
Thermodynamics by Cengel and Boles  Covers the entire thermodynamics including first law, second law, entropy, energy, gas power cycles, refrigeration. Concepts are explained in detail with good examples. Plenty of unsolved problem in every chapter. The solution for it are available online.
Fluid Mechanics – Fundamentals and Applications (In SI Units) 2nd Edition by Cengel and Cimbala:The text helps in developing the concepts from scratch and is written in a easy-to-understand language. The book covers the basic principles and equations of fluid mechanics in the context of numerous and diverse real-world engineering examples.

Heat and Mass Transfer 4th Edition by Cengel
A good book to understand the concepts of heat and mass transfer from basics. Language used is easy to comprehend. Book also include solved and unsolved problmes
Theory of Machines by R.S. Khurmi
The concepts on theory of machines are explained in detail and language again is easy. The book contains plenty of solved and unsolved problems covering all types of questions for you to practice.
Mechanical Vibrations by V. P. Singh
This particular text is considered to be the best reference book for the subject with detailed explanations for subject and includes exercises for you to practice.
Manufacturing Technology 3rd Edition by P.N Rao
This book is a must have for all mechanical engineers, since it is the best one available for clearing concepts and all the topics are covered in a lucid manner. No other book describes the manufacturing processes better and it will definitely help you improve your concepts well enough for GATE 2015.
Strength of Materials: Advanced Theory and Problems 3rd Edition by Timoshenko
One of the best books which deals with this subject with perfect explanations of core concepts, innumerable examples to improve your knowledge and practice.
Design of Machine elements by V.B. Bhandari
The book also has plenty of solved and unsolved examples which covers all the aspects of machine design. The book is vast, so choose the topics as per the gate syllabus.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

5 Best Mechanical Engineering Books

Mechanical engineering is arguably one of the most competitive fields in the world. Whether you are a mechanical engineer or studying to become one, you will always need reliable and up-to-date sources and references to get by. A good handbook on engineering design, for instance, will save you a lot of time and help you tackle design challenges.

Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers by E. A. Aballone, T. Baumeister, and A. Saegh is one of the best mechanical engineering books you can find. This book provides comprehensive guide to all aspects of the field and it has been used as one of the standard handbooks for engineers for decades. It has all the important engineering principles and mathematical methods that you will need in a brief yet clear manner. The eleventh edition, which is the latest edition, even covers high technology areas such as biotechnology and nanotechnology.

Without a doubt, every mechanical engineer should have a good design handbook. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design by R. Budynas and K. Nisbett has been used as the standard machine design handbook for more than 40 years. The book covers basic concepts of machine design very clearly, so it is no wonder that it is frequently listed as one of the must-have books for mechanical engineering students.

For almost a century, Erik Oberg's Machinery's Handbook has been used as a reference book by mechanical and manufacturing engineers, toolmakers, draftsmen, designers, and machinists. It covers a very wide area, from the basic to the more advanced concepts. The 28thedition features a very user-friendly format and revised material on manufacturing processes, tools and toolmaking, and more.

As a very dynamic field, mechanical engineering has lots of branches, and thermodynamics is one of them. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by C. Borgnakke and R. E. Sonntag, is one of the most popular books on this topic. This book is ideal for both professionals and students because it provides comprehensive guide to classical thermodynamics. It is packed with examples, homework problems, and illustrations to help students to gain a better understanding of the topic.

Design engineers are expected to have knowledge of materials science. If you want to gain an in-depth knowledge about the properties and behaviors of various materials, then you should definitely read W. D. Callister and D. G. Rethwisch's Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction. The book covers all the major materials that are commonly used in machine manufacturing such as ceramics, metals, and polymers. It also discusses about the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties

Friday, 9 January 2015


*Applied Thermodynamics :
*Mechanical Measurements and Metrology :http://
*Mechanical Measurements and Metrology :http://
*Industrial Engineering :
*Industrial Engineering :
*Advanced Strength of Materials :
*Kinematics :

*Kinematics of Machines :

*Manufacturing Processes I :

*Manufacturing Processes I :
*Design of Machine Elements I :
*Design of Machine Elements I :
*Dynamics of Machines :javascript:fullScreen('http://
*Dynamics of Machines :
*Manufacturing Processes II :
*Manufacturing Processes II :
*Heat and Mass Transfer :

*Heat and Mass Transfer :

*Project and Production Management :http://

*Project and Production Management :http://
*Machine Design II :
*Fluid Machinery :
*Refrigeration and Air Conditioning :http://
*Refrigeration and Air Conditioning :http://
*Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing I :http://
*Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing II :http://
*Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing :http://
*Robotics :javascript:fullScreen('http://
*Robotics :
*Mechanical Vibrations :
*Advanced Operations Research :
*Finite Element Method :
*Strength of Materials :
*Materials Selection and Design :
*Introduction to Finite Element Method :http://
*Basic Thermodynamics :
*Principles of Mechanical Measurements :http://
*Introduction to Turbulence :
*Advanced Finite Elements Analysis :http://
*Fundamentals of Operations Research :http://

Monday, 19 August 2013


ENGINEERING Thermodynamics
P.K. Nag
I.C. Engine
V. Ganeshan
Gas Turbine and Propulsive Systems
Rodger and Kohen
Fluid Mechanics
R.K Banshal
Compressible Flow
Anderson and Yahya
Heat and Mass Transfer
D.S Kumar
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
C.P Arora
Fluid Machinery
S.S Ratan
Theory of Machines
S.S Ratan
Mechanical Vibration
Grover, V.P Singh
Machine Design
Khurni & V.B Singh
Material Science
I.P Singh
Production Engg.
P.N Rao & Sharma
Industrial Engg.
Savita Sharma
Operations Research
G.H Ryder
Strength of Materials
Timoshenko B.C. Punamia