(few but various enough examples - good book)
This blog is about Mechanical Engineering; its Fundamental Subjects and everything related to Mechanical Engineering.......................
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Pre-preparation for the GATE preparation
(few but various enough examples - good book)
Mechanical Engineering – Final Year Project Ideas
Your final year project (BE or ME) can help you in the following ways:
1. You can increase your overall percentage by scoring 90 to 95% marks through a good project.
2. An industry-oriented project can add extra weight age to your resume and help you get a good job in the core mechanical industry.
3. A technically good project can give you an added advantage if you are planning for higher studies in US, UK, Germany etc.
Hence, make your final-year project valuable even if it takes a little more time and effort.
Choose the right industry
You can choose one of the following industries for your project:
Aerospace, Automobile, Marine, HVAC, Oil & Gas, Industrial, Turbo-machines, Machine-tools, Appliances etc.
Choose the right type
You can choose one of the following types:
a.i. This type of projects need good lab-facilities and hi-tech instruments for measuring your experimental set-up accurately. Only IITs and IISc have such facilities. Students from Tier II and private colleges try their best but mostly end-up in cooking-up the results or change the project at the last moment due to non-availability of the above facilities.
a.ii. Also it involves more time and cost for setting up the project for those students who are already tightly scheduled with final-exams or campus interviews.
a.iii. This type is feasible for those who don’t have such constraints.
a.i. CAE Projects – Stress analysis, dynamic analysis etc. of aero, auto or mechanical systems can be done through these projects. New design, Improving performance, optimization can be accomplished. FEM based software like ANSYS, NASTRAN, RADIOSS, HYPERMESH etc. can be used.
a.ii. CFD Projects – Flow analysis, Thermal analysis, Aerodynamics improvement are the typical projects. This uses software like FLUENT, STAR-CCM+ are used for CFD analysis.
a.iii. Flexibility and accuracy are the major advantages in this type of projects.
a.iv. However it needs some additional training
Interviewers give more weight age for good projects.
CAE or CFD projects in Aerospace and automobile systems have more job opportunities in India, US, Europe and Japan. At the same time HVAC, Oil & Gas, Marine have good opportunities in Gulf.
Choose a RELEVANT project. Go ahead and choose the right project using the above factors. All the best….
Some Project Titles.
- CFD projects in Automobile Industry
- Design Optimization of Diesel Engine Manifold using CFD Simulations
- Improving the mileage of a passenger car through aerodynamics re-design using CFD Techniques
- CFD projects in Aerospace Industry
- Prediction and minimization of drag on an aircraft wing using CFD Analysis
- Design of aircraft safety systems using CFD analysis
- CAE project in Automobile Industry
- Design optimization of chassis of a truck using CAE analysis
- Redesign of a suspension system for passenger car using CAE analysis
- CAE project in Aerospace Industry
- Design optimization of nose-cone frame of an aircraft using CAE analysis
- Performance optimization of wing-box of an aircraft using CAE analysis
Study Abroad: All You Need To Know
Going abroad for studies is not free, we need to fulfill few requirements and pay some fees and other costs (may be you will get them back in couple months). These costs include, coaching classes for GRE and TOFEL, running for recommendation letters, official transcripts of your degree, applications fees, flight charges and minimum living expenses would cost you minimum 3~4 Lakh Indian Rupees.
Some universities give fee exemption and a little scholarship every month for student survival. If you get admission with full fee waiver and scholarship then consider yourself as one of the lucky chap. Otherwise, you must be willing to study and doing some kind of job to pay your bills (room rent, food and other stuff). For me it was hard to imagine making living and studying as I am average student need more time to complete my assignment and actually learn the subjects. Studying and making my living was totally out of question for me.
As we are not native English speakers and most of us are rural backgrounds with little or no exposure to English as it must be there, we face huge difficulty while preparing for these exams. On the same time as our strength in math will help us to compensate this.
If you are not from IITs or some top school in India, cracking to top universities in US, Canada, Australia and UK is very difficult. If you are not from a good university landing in a part time job (for living in case of no monthly scholarship) or a permanent job would be damn difficult. With the visa getting expired you will feel more insecure and troubled.
If we move toward developed non English speaking nation, all conditions will be relaxed and opportunities will increase. But one same, do keep in mind that you learn the language of the nation you are going, to make best use of your time.
How To Prepare For GATE: Nikhil Krishnan (AIR 4) GATE 2011 (part-2)
After talking to him for more than hour and a half I realized that it really worth talking to him. There were several network and sound issues, but we both enjoyed the talk and tried to make it as useful and beneficial as possible.
We hope these efforts will help many students, but what makes us happier is your own contribution to your future. If you listen to us and rock your future we are successful in spending our nights, overcoming timing and geographical barriers and giving such an effort in spite of heavily hectic schedules. All these efforts are just to ask you to give your best.
Without writing any other thing, let me share what Nikhil is talking about in second part.
- Many Publishers for GATE study material, how to choose best and deal with rest?
- NPTEL and other online video lectures, how much time do one need to spend with them?
- How to prepare for GATE in short time, tips for student started preparing from now?
- When to start solving questions, after each chapter or after completing whole subject?
- How to prepare for aptitude and general mathematics?
- What was your biggest mistake in GATE preparation?
- How to prepare for GATE in 3 to 4 months?
This was Nikhil, answered few basic questions for students all across the nation. Do share it with your friends, book mark it and listen to again and again during your preparation, this will definitely motivate you to prepare for the best.
We had lots of issues with network and sound quality but I tried to present best possible sound after processing it, please spare us for that. Do like it on youtube, I don’t know how does it matter
The next part of the interview is exclusively about how manage 3hr of GATE exam time. How to exploit best practices to rip off the best results from your preparation. The tips given would definitely help every single student preparing for paper based entrence exams, whether it GATE, JEE, JAM, AIEEE or any other entrance exam.
How to manage time for gate preparation?
- Check daily routine and write down these activities on a paper with hours. Don’t need to be very hard and strict about timing, don’t need to mention exact hour and minutes of the activity.
- Once we have a list of activities we do in a day we also have a good idea of what we are doing in a day.
- Figure out activities we are doing for fun and can be compromised for certain time.
- Make use of this time for GATE preparations.
2. TV serials
3. Too much unproductive time wasting friends
4. Too much sleeping
5. Spending too much in markets
6. Watching movies almost every weekend, watching them from bed till return to bed.
How to start preparing for GATE?
- Buy or get a copy of previous year question papers if possible with solutions. Having a hard copy is very important and we are going to refer it again and again during whole preparation.
- Refer to syllabus and analyze the number of questions asked in each subject. As all subjects don’t have equal marks, few subjects are preferred over others. I mean few subject may have more questions asked in exam than others. I don’t have this subject break up for GATE. If you have done this exercise, please share with us to share with many other students and also we can have a discussion over its validity.
- Make a priority list of subjects based on marks or preference given it in previous exams. Marks distribution of subject will help you prioritize and allocate preparation time to different subjects. If distribution is not prepared we usually end up in a random preparation and finally will have tough time dealing with important subjects. Just for example, in GATE CS and IT paper, around 15~20% is from Mathematics, and then Programming and Data Structures, Theory of computation, OS and digital logic.
- Allocate realistic time for each subject. And read it all, as there is huge to cover and it’s easy to ask few marks question from anywhere in a subject.
- Finish through reading of a chapter of subject, make short notes of important points, this will help you at last moment to revise what you have read.
- Once finish a chapter, go back to GATE Question papers and solve the problems from that chapter. These days there lots of question banks available in market for GATE do buy one and practice. Also to try to get Test Series from other friends. Solve all of them. This will help you to assess yourself for level of understanding of the chapter you read. Use a single note book for question answer solution because you may refer it while revising.
- Finish detailed reading at least one and half month before. Keep one month for revisions and clearing leftover doubts. Have a look of question you solved during preparation for GATE and remember how you solved them.
- Keep last 15 days for fast practice and revision. Solve as many papers and question banks as you can get from any source.
- Keep documents related to GATE like, acknowledgment of application, like hall tickets, application number and other details, in a safe place. Give it to mom or someone responsible, who can give that back to you when you need them. This is to avoid last minute tension for obvious things.
M.Tech or MBA, which is better to choose?
What after B.Tech?
If one feel that is been to heavy to study for four years and want to start making money, then start early hunt for job. Make a profile in all job sites and social job networking sites like LinkedIn. Give it a big try and attend all walk-ins and apply all the places where you find suitable. Be prepared to travel a lot in the search from Bangalore to Pune, Pune to Dehi, Delhi to noida anywhere. Don’t miss any advertisement for fresher and don’t give up. Refer to Engineering future, scope and prospects for core companies offering jobs in special domain.
If you think you need to improve or need a higher degree to feel secure or gain higher positions at right time, you should look at all possible ways to crack GATE and think about M.Tech. If you are interested in having a foreign exposure and think your family can help and support you, then start preparing for GRE, TOFEL and start looking for universities that are suitable for that.
We study Engineering for four years and at the end we are almost clear about our decision of joining some engineering stream and our career in that. By the end we know whether we can stay in the same domain, stream, or field of engineering and improve or it is kind of wasting our time if we remain in the same engineering field and you decide to change your area of study. MBA is a very good alternative, but make sure you are going to a right place for MBA.
If you think you have patience and motivation for studying for several years ahead and work for a cool and successful career you should consider doing PhD after B.Tech, many IITs take admissions to PhD even right after B.Tech. This may take on the average 4 to 6 years to complete but will definitely make you a strong player in real life and make you confident.
The exceptions can be to Start a company, be an entrepreneur and explore your world. If you have some hobby can make it a profession and make earning from that, for example paining, writing, singing, music and photography and many other hobbies. But be careful about these options they involve more risk and more gains.
This is really an important question to be answered. I feel the alternatives are join some value added courses and in some good institutes like CDAC and others that offer great value and job opportunities, as these require a good amount of money I never tried it. Rather I prefer to join a teaching job for several months use college library to maxim level prepare for interviews or GATE or GRE and get ready to jump to above fields I mentioned above. But I will sincerely be working towards my students too.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
The Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education can be summarized as:
1. Encouraging student-faculty contact
2. Encouraging cooperation among students
3. Encouraging active learning
4. Giving prompt feedback
5. Emphasizing time on task
6. Communicating high expectations
7. Respecting diverse talents and ways of learning
Friday, 13 February 2015
How to study fluid mechanics and mathematics?
be used to revise the concepts latter. My tuition teacher used this approach. While going through the topics he made us write down trivial questions like what is source? Give examples of sink? What is the most viscous materials you have seen? etc. That time we felt, the questions were waste of time, but latter I realized how useful they were for revising the concepts.
For every study session. Spend ten minutes revising what you have already studied. If you have formed those small questions then use them to jog your memory. This ten minutes jogging session not only reinforces the previous studied material but help you begin the next session with a positive momentum.
This three concepts can be applied to mathematics and the other subjects. Just remember, that if you can setup a simple process for your study and follow it consistently, that is more than sufficient to help you tackle any subject that AeSI throws at you.
Good luck!!
If you have some specific tip, do chip in and comment!!
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Syllabus for RRB JE/SE
The written section will consists of the following
1. Aptitude Test
2. Technical Test.
General Awareness
General Intelligence
General English.
Reasoning Ability
Arithmetic Ability
Technical Ability(Applied post subjects)
The syllabus of the technical Ability section is of the
Degree/Diploma Level subjects.
The detailed syllabus is as follows:-
General Awareness
Books and Authors
Current Events
Famous Personalities
Geography of India
Honours and Awards
Important Dates
General Intelligence
Coding and Decoding
Comparison of Ranks
Direction Sense Test
Logical Sequence of Words
Number Series
Odd man out series
Series Completion
General English
Relationship between words
Sentence Correction
Arithmetic Ability
Angles and sides of various shapes
Computation of decimals
Computation of Fractions
Computation of whole numbers
Relationship between numbers
Square root and Cube root
Volume and Surface Area
Reasoning Ability
Analyzing Arguments
Blood Relation Test
Cause and Effect
Making Judgments
Seating Arrangement
Statement and Assumption
Statement and Conclusion
Technical Ability
Applied Physics
Applications of Light
Applications of Sound
D.C. Circuits
Expansion of Solids
Force and Motion
Heat Transfer
Rotational and Simple Harmonic Motions
Temperature and Its Measurement
Units and Dimensions
Work, Power and Energy
Applied Mechanics
Centre of Gravity
Laws of Forces
Laws of Motion
Simple Machines
Basic Electronics
Basic Logic Gates
FET*construction, working and
Regulated Power Supply
Semiconductor Diodes
Semiconductor Physics
Single Stage Transistor Amplifier
Transistor Biasing and Stabilization
Electronic Devices and Circuits
Feedback in Amplifiers
Multistage Transistor Amplifier
Sinusoidal Oscillators
Transistor Audio Power Amplifier
Tuned*Voltage Amplifiers
Wave *Shaping And Switching Circuits
Electrical Power
Carrier Communication
Distribution System
Over Voltage protection
Power Factor
Protection Devices
Protection Scheme
Switchgear System
Transmission Systems
Various Types of Tariffs
Electrical Science
AC Theory
DC Circuits
Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Polyphase System
Power Electronics
Applications of SCRs and Triacs
Basic Power Control Devices
Commutation of SCRs
Introduction to Digital Electronics
Introduction to Integrated Circuits,
Operational Amplifiers
SCR specifications
SCR triggering mechanisms
Series and parallel configuration of SCRs
Working principle of a full wave, single
phase, SCR controlled rectifier for
resistive and inductive loads